Tea Pot
The idea, inspiration, and composition of this teapot originated from the Picasso Marble that became the finial. The shape and color of the marble led to the visualization of the vessel form. Natural items such as rocks, seeds, wood, and bones have always been a source of inspiration for my work. These natural shapes and textures are often evident in my pieces, either implied and abstracted or in a more realistic manner.
This piece of marble had an attractive smoky variation in color, a matte surface, and a simplicity of shape that leant itself to the teapot. I selected copper for the teapot because the patina would complement the color of the stone. The interior of the teapot is plated with silver to make it practical for use as well as to play upon the soft grays in the marble. I selected ebony for the handle and "spacer" to tie into the darker colors of the stone. I formed the handle to echo the shape of the vessel, to provide a feeling of balance when pouring, and to serve as an insulator, preventing heat from the teapot from being transmitted up the handle.