
I am not currently seeking commission work, but if you have a question or comment for me, I can be reached at I hope you enjoy visiting my website and viewing my work. Thank you!


A Golden Apple

A client commissioned a golden apple inspired by the story "Judgement of Paris" from Greek mythology. In the story, the mortal Paris is tasked with choosing the fairest of three goddesses. When Paris choses Aphrodite, he presents her with a golden apple inscribed with the words "For The Fairest." The myth had special meaning to the client's family and inspired him to commission the apple as a gift for his wife's 40th birthday.

Creating the gold apple involved several months of studio time dedicated solely to the project. The main body of the apple was created from a single sheet of 18k gold using hammering processes. The leaf and stem were created separately and attached to the main body. As a final touch, the apple was engraved with the words “For the Fairest” in reference to the myth. The photos below show how the apple gradually took shape through the stages of hammering, polishing, and engraving.

Image shows a close-up of Linda's hands holding the gold metal sheet in one hand and hammering with the other hand as she forms the gold into the apple shape.
Hammering a sheet of gold

The apple's body was created from a single sheet of metal.

Image of a realistic life-size gold apple with stem and leaf and engraved with the phrase "For The Fairest"Image of a realistic life-size gold apple with stem and leaf and engraved with the phrase "For The Fairest"
The Finished Apple

With a leaf, stem, and engraving, the apple is complete.

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"Judgement of Paris"
by Sandro Botticelli c. 1485-1488
Painting by Sandro Botticellli of the Greek myth known as "The Judgement of Paris."
"Judgement of Paris"
by Sandro Botticelli c. 1485-1488
A painting depicting the Greek myth "The Judgement of Paris" by the painter Sandro Botticelli in approximately 1485-1488. Painting shows the three goddesses that were vying for the title of "the fairest" according to the mortal Paris who had been tasked with choosing a winner.
Photo shows the start of the sculpting process as the top of the apple begins to take shape from the metal sheet.
Photo shows the apple part way through the sculpting process. The top half has taken shape, and the bottom half is just starting to be formed.
Photo shows the apple part way through the sculpting process. The top half has taken shape, and the bottom half is partly formed.
Photo shows Linda working on the golden apple. She is holding a hammer and wearing protective gloves.
Photo shows the top side of the completed apple.
Photo shows the bottom of the apple after it was fu;;y sculpted. The bottom has a dimple and the other topography that a real apple has.
Photo of the golden apple next to three real apples for scale.